Family support activities are delivered directly to individual families with the goal to improve carer/child relationships, increase parenting capacity, increase family connectedness and improve family member wellbeing and safety. We work with family members through home visiting, advocacy, counselling, referrals, education and skill development to help clients achieve their desired outcomes. We work from a strengths-based and trauma-informed approach where we recognise that individuals are central in creating their own solutions with the acknowledgement that barriers may be in place due to previous experiences and current circumstances. The important focus is to define how the client wants things to be different and what is required to make it happen. Some tools we may use are included below.
If you are wanting support from one of our Family Workers, contact our Intake Worker on 4914 0444.
Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular home visits during a child’s early years in life, from prenatal through to the age of 3 years.
Parents as Teachers has a vision: that all children will grow and develop to reach their full potential. Through Parents as Teachers, you will partner with your Family Worker to focus on your child’s healthy growth and development.
Your Family Worker will personalise information to fit with your family’s needs, concerns and hopes. Together you will discuss goals for you as a parent and for your child. You will build on existing strengths and skills, through parent-child interaction, development-centred parenting and discussing family well-being.
The PuP program was developed specifically for families who are experiencing problems across multiple domains of family life. These can include problems with parental mental health, exposure to trauma, parental substance abuse, and financial and social challenges.
The primary aim for the PuP program is to help parents and caregivers who are facing adversity, create a settled, stable, and safe family environment that is conducive to the development of positive and secure relationships with their children.
Start Today Again is a program and toolkit to assist men understand the impact of family violence on children and suggest ways in which changes in parenting relationships can be made. The Start Today Again ‘toolkit’ draws on insights from contemporary domestic and family violence research including what is now known about the impacts of witnessing family violence on the developing brain of children. Whether as a bystander or as a man who has decided to exchange attempts to control their family through violence for attempts to build better and more supportive relationships with children and partners, the program is based on men being part of the solution.
MoneyMinded is an education program that builds knowledge and confidence to help you make informed decisions about how to manage money. You will learn techniques for effective budgeting, managing debt, smart banking and future planning including superannuation and saving.