Parenting programs are for everyone who wants to be a better parent.
You get access to the latest research and strategies that you might not find on your own.
You can discover how to match your parenting/caring style to your child’s unique personality and needs.
You will gain confidence in your parenting/caring skills which is crucial to good care provision.
Group work is also a great way to connect with other parents and carers and build a support network with other people who get it!
If you are interested in registering for one of our groups have a look at our Groups page (via the More tab) or get in contact by phone on 4914 0444.
Tuning in to Kids® is an evidence-based emotion-focused parenting program. Parents and carers will learn the skills of emotion coaching – a way of responding to emotions that can help children understand, regulate and work with them so they can manage their behaviour and respond in a socially appropriate way. In particular, the program teaches parents to notice children’s emotions, especially before they have become overwhelming for the child. Parents and carers learn how to support their children to reflect upon or name the emotions being experienced and if necessary, work through it.
The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Parents and carers will learn to understand their child’s emotional world by reading emotional needs, support their child to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem, and respect the desire for the child to be secure.
The 1-2-3 Magic® & Emotion Coaching program supports parents and carers to develop strategies to promote positive behaviour in their children aged 2 to 12 years. The program focuses on parents and carers strengthening their relationship with their child and providing consistent responses that works with a child’s developing brain.
No Scaredy Cats™ is a child development program that supports parents and carers to recognise anxiety developing in their child, how to take a preventative role in the development of anxiety problems and the practical steps to encourage resilient thinking skills. Parents and carers will learn how to support their 2 to 12 year old child through their experience of anxiety problems and emotionally distressing times using a ‘parent-led’ approach; taking on the role of coach in their child’s life.
The Black Box Parenting Program is designed specifically for the challenges of parenting after violence. It offers parents and carers the opportunity to safely think about how they interact with their children and manage some of the challenges after violence. Parents and carers learn about the impact of trauma on the developing brain, how the attachment disruption affects behaviour and the parenting bond, and how to repair this bond.
Bringing Up Great Kids (Three programs)
​Bringing Up Great Kids Foundational Program - This program focuses on building positive and nurturing relationships between parents and their children. The program aims to support parents to review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children, to promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.
Bringing Up Great Kids First 1000 days - This program builds on the foundational program by focusing on the first 1000 days of a child’s life and the influence parents and carers have on their child’s development. The workshop emphasises the creation and support of safe and nurturing environments by understanding brain development in the earliest stages of life and the impact of family relationships during this time. Parents will reflect on their own childhood and explore how to connect with their children so they have increased confidence and help-seeking behaviour.
Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting After Family Violence - A nurturing, empowering and kind program for parents and carers who have experienced family violence.
Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting After Family Violence provides a friendly and safe environment for parents to learn from each other and begin a journey of understanding and healing themselves and their children from the impacts of family violence.
The Seasons for Growth Parent Program provides an opportunity for parents to better understand the experience of death, separation and divorce from a child's perspective. The program draws on evidence about what children experience and need to help them transition well through family change. The Seasons for Growth Parent Program has two separate components, supporting your child following separation/divorce and supporting your child following the death of someone they love. The distinctive child-centred approach provides emotional space and a non-judgemental environment for parents to share, discuss and learn ideas and strategies to support their children.
Dads Tuning in to Kids is a parenting program that aims to give fathers helpful ways of teaching their child the skills of emotional intelligence. This program teaches ‘emotion coaching’ which is to recognise, understand and respond to children’s emotions in an accepting, supportive way. These are the same skills that are taught in Tuning in to Kids®, however the Dad’s program provides additional content particularly relevant to fathers. This approach nurtures a positive parent child relationship and helps parents support children to understand and manage their emotions.
The Shark Cage® Program for Adult Women is an evidence-based program for groups or individual women that explores the common types of abuse that women experience and how this abuse related to violations in human rights. It is relevant for women who have experienced more than one instance of abuse in their lives and may have begun to internalise social messages of victim blaming against girls and women. Women learn how to recognise their feelings, develop skills in assertive communication and heal from the impacts and trauma of their experiences.
Keeping Kids in Mind is a program for separated parents who want to develop understanding and strategies to support their children following parental separation. The program recognises that parents love their children and want the best for them but that parenting can also be much tougher after separation. The program supports parents to see the separation through their children’s eyes and covers the following topics: • Loss and grief after separation • The hidden world of children • Rebuilding resilience • Bridging the gap • Looking back and moving forward.
The Tuning in to Teens™ program has a similar core focus on teaching parents and carers emotion coaching skills, but in this case the program differs from Tuning in to Kids® in focusing specifically on the developmental needs of teenagers. It integrates a greater focus on acceptance/empathy and helping parents and carers to manage their own responses when adolescents reject or push them away as the young person seeks greater autonomy.
Start Today Again is a training program to assist individual men and men’s groups understand the impact of family violence on children, and suggest ways in which changes in parenting relationships can be made. It is based on the belief that males can become part of the solution, both as bystanders understanding the impacts of family violence on children, and as men who decide that it is better to exchange attempts to control their family through any form of violence for attempts to build better and more supportive relationships with their children and partners.
Caring Dads is a 17 week evidence based behaviour change group intervention program. It supports the premise that violence against women and children are strongly linked and supports fathers to understand the impact of their behaviour by harnessing their motivation to be good fathers. There are 3 components to the program:
A 17 week manualised group intervention program for men who are fathers (including biological, step and de-facto)
Systematic outreach to children's mothers
Coordinate case management to ensure child safety and wellbeing is enhanced as a result of the fathers involvement in the program.
Delivery is based on organisational capacity and may require a service fee.