Local Resources
This service supports people and their children who are homeless or at risk of losing their home, by: providing case management, providing crisis accommodation in the women’s refuge facilitating access to temporary accommodation, providing access to transitional accommodation, providing assistance to access financial support, advocates with real estate agents and landlords, providing brokerage funds to help gain or maintain a tenancy referring to other specialist services.
Phone 4934 2585
Food and Emergency Relief
Maitland Neighbourhood Centre supports individuals with Emergency Relief (Overdue electricity / gas bills by appointment), Oz Harvest, Food Assistance, Justice of the Peace, Supported Playgroups, and Educational programs.
Phone 4932 0950
Salvation Army Maitland may be able to assist with food, utilities (electricity and gas), telephone (landline), clothing, furniture, and some other financial needs.
Phone 4932 6682
Samaritans East Maitland Offers financial assistance / emergency relief/ food/ youth specialists homeless services. Current Centrelink Income and Asset Statement is required along with evidence of financial hardship.
Phone Maitland 4931 1000 or Rutherford 4993 3400
St Vincent de Paul East Maitland Appointments essential - you must call first. Food vouchers and assistance with electricity/gas bills available. Food Hampers Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am to noon.
Phone 4961 6885 or 4934 7018
Child and Family Health Hunter New England Health Child and family health nurses play a key role in the provision of community child and family health services and provide early contact with families.
Phone Maitland Neighbourhood Centre - Rutherford 4932 9768
Family Care Cottage – Maitland 4939 2530
East Maitland Child and Family Health Clinic 4931 2010
Woodberry Drop in Clinic/Beresfield Child and Family Health Centre 4966 1034
Hunter New England Oral Health (Public Dental Services) Free dental for adults & children under 18yrs listed on a Medicare card or adults who have a Centrelink concession (Health Care, Pension Card or Commonwealth Seniors card).
Phone 1300 651 625
Mental Health
Benevolent Society: Family Mental Health Support Service (FMHSS) is an early intervention support program for families with children and young people who are showing early signs of, or are at risk of developing, mental illness (ages 9-16yrs).
Phone 4035 8511
CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a Hunter region provider for mental health services for identified young people (0-17 years) in the public sector. The service provides assessment and treatment of children and their families where a child is exhibiting, is suspected of having, or is at risk of developing emotional and psychological problems.
Phone 1800 011 511
Head Space Maitland A free and confidential service for young people aged 12-25 years. They offer a range of services and supports for young people who are experiencing a tough time or are worried about drug and alcohol use, mental and physical wellbeing, sexual health and more. Services are free or low cost.
Phone 4931 1000
Hunter Primary Care Hunter Psychosocial Support Service (HPSS) aims to assist people with severe mental illness, who have reduced psychosocial function and are not eligible for assistance through the NDIS, to build daily living skills and connect with services based on their goals. For 18+ but will consider 16 & 17yrs on a case by case basis.
Phone 4925 2259
Seva House Comprised of experienced and passionate Mental Health Social Workers who work therapeutically with children, adolescents and adults. Counsellors are experienced in Complex PTSD and SA. A Mental Health Care Plan is needed for this fee-paying service. Medicare, NDIS and Victims of Crime approved service.
Phone 0404 720 027
Maitland Sexual Assault Service (Lower Hunter) Sexual Assault Services provide crisis and ongoing counselling which includes the provision of information and support, a specialised medical service which always includes general health and wellbeing assessment and treatment and can include the collection of evidence (e.g. DNA) related to the assault for legal purposes. They also provide support for non-offending family members, significant others and carers, advocacy court preparation, court support.
Phone 4931 2000
After hours 4921 3888
Sexual Health
Head Space Maitland A free and confidential service for young people aged 12-25 years. They offer a range of services and supports for young people who are experiencing a tough time or are worried about drug and alcohol use, mental and physical wellbeing, sexual health and more. Services are free or low cost.
Phone 4931 1000
Seva House Comprised of experienced and passionate Mental Health Social Workers who work therapeutically with children, adolescents and adults. Counsellors are experienced in Complex PTSD and SA. A Mental Health Care Plan is needed for this fee-paying service. Medicare, NDIS and Victims of Crime approved service.
Phone 0404 720 027
Maitland Sexual Assault Service (Lower Hunter) Sexual Assault Services provide crisis and ongoing counselling which includes the provision of information and support, a specialised medical service which always includes general health and wellbeing assessment and treatment and can include the collection of evidence (e.g. DNA) related to the assault for legal purposes. They also provide support for non-offending family members, significant others and carers, advocacy court preparation, court support.
Phone 4931 2000
After hours 4921 3888
Hunter Community Legal Centre Free legal advice including: Civil Law, sexual harassment, fines, debt, specialist Family Law advice on Parenting and Property. AVO Duty Service at Newcastle Local Court and Maitland Local Court: providing advice and information to defendants breaching AVO's to ensure contribution to safety of Women and Children, providing advice to PINOP's, applicants, Defendant's and persons unrepresented.
Phone 4040 9121
Hunter New England Health Family Care Cottage A community-based unit of The Maitland Hospital providing parenting support to families in the Upper and Lower Hunter. The Family Care Cottage is a specialist service providing evidence based support to expectant parents and families with babies and young children up to the age of 3.
Phone 4939 2530
Interrelate provides services that strengthen and support all relationships and during life’s transitions such as becoming a parent, grandparent, separation, divorce and forming a stepfamily.
Phone 1300 473 528
Happy Paws/Happy Heart HPHH offers unique, small-group animal care and training sessions at RSPCA campus. Individuals have the opportunity to participate in weekly group sessions, learning about animal behaviour, animal care and positive training techniques. Participants work with a range of animals in care at RSPCA, including dogs, cats, pocket pets and farm animals.
Phone 1300 077 984
National Services
Child Development & Parenting
Karitane Careline For parents of 0 to 5 year olds with questions for an experienced Child and Family Health Nurse.
Phone 1300 227 464
Tresillian Parent’s Helpline For parents with questions on breastfeeding and settling your baby, post-natal depression and nutrition.
Phone 1300 272 736
Raising Children Parenting website with current parenting information.
Transcultural Mental Health Centre - Multilingual parenting resources A range of brochures and booklets providing practical information in a range of languages.
Australian Breastfeeding Association Available 7 days a week supporting all breastfeeding parents. 1800 686 268
PANDA Supporting families affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood.
Phone 1300 726 306
Parentline Free telephone counselling and support service for parents and cares with children aged 0 to 18 years who live in NSW.
Phone 1300 1300 52
Kidsafe NSW Child accident prevention website.
Link2Home Homelessness Information and referral telephone service open 24/7.
Phone 1800 152 152
13SICK Afterhours family medical care – for when your GP is closed.
Phone 13 74 25
Mental Health
Kids Helpline For children and young people aged 5 to 25. Available 24/7
Phone 1800 55 1800
Lifeline Personal crisis hotline 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Phone 13 11 14
Mental Health Line Telephone mental health assistance 24/7. (Interpreting services available.)
Phone 1800 011 511
Beyond Blue 24/7 support helping Aussies achieve their best possible mental health.
Phone 1300 224 636
Red Nose Grief and Loss Helpline 24/7 bereavement support for those impacted by the death of a child through miscarriage, still birth and SIDS.
Phone 1300 308 307
PANDA Supporting families affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood.
Phone 1300 726 306
Mindspot A free service helping people through stress anxiety, worry and low mood.
Phone 1800 614 434
Transcultural Mental Health Centre - Multilingual parenting resources A range of brochures and booklets providing practical information in a range of languages.
https://parentsbeyondbreakup.com/ Support for parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown and separation.
https://www.sms4dads.com.au/ Fathers, Dads-to-be, Families & Health Professionals. Receive free text messages, support, info & tips – especially for dads & dads-to-be
https://thefatheringproject.org/ The Fathering Project is an evidence-based organisation that aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers’ engagement with their infants, preschool, primary school and adolescent-aged children.
Kids Helpline For children and young people aged 5 to 25. Available 24/7
Phone 1800 55 1800
ReachOut Helping parents support their teenagers through everyday issues and tough times.
ReachOut Helping parents support their teenagers through everyday issues and tough times.
Parents Beyond Breakup Support for parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown and separation.
Violence and Assault Support
1800RESPECT Supporting people impacted by sexual assault, domestic and family violence and abuse.
Phone 1800 737 732
NSW Rape Crisis Counselling for people all genders whose lives have been impacted by sexual assault. Telephone, online and some face to face counselling. Free and available 24/7.
Phone 1800 424 017
Domestic Violence Line Open 24/7
free call 1800 656 463 (Translating and Interpreting Services 13 14 50; TTY 1800 671 442)
Useful Apps
Deadly Tots Information for every Aboriginal Family of 0 to 5 year olds to help their Bub learn and grow.
Smiling Mind Practice daily meditation and mindfulness exercises.
Insight Timer Access guided meditations, sleep music tracks and talks from experts.
Youth Beyond Blue Helps teenagers talk to friends that they think might be struggling.
Ask Izzy Connecting people in crisis with the services they need now and nearby.